C-shaped tapping pattern on smartwatches' screen you even don't realize
News! our journal paper “Adapting smart watch interfaces to hand gestures during movements: Offset models and the C-shaped pattern of tapping” has been accepted to the journal Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Paper). The corresponding patent is published with No: 201810149684X (Chinese version).
Our work "DarkneTZ" has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2020
Our work “DarkneTZ: Towards Model Privacy on the Edge using Trusted Execution Environments” has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2020. The paper is online at arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.05703, and our implementation is here: https://github.com/mofanv/darknetp.
从细节看美国的民主(Seeing American Democracy from the Details)
This is a travel note (in Chinese) after I came back from the U.S.A., talking about how (street) details present American Democracy. Some ideas are from the book Tocqueville’s «Democracy in America». This note has been translated into English by machine learning but seems not that reliable. I will improve it when I have time. (The English version is below the Chinese version)
Poster, Efficient and Private Federated Learning
I’m very happy to give the first poster during my PhD research at EuroSys 2019, Dersden, Germany!
Plotting means and error bars with significant difference
This is a brief introduction about how to plot means and error bars with significant difference, which is very commonly used in analysis of variance and multiple comparisons.